Innovative approaches to charity.

Through immersive experiences, children & creatives can freely tell their stories & Positive Attitude to Life, through artistic mediums to a worldwide audience.

Art ✖ Ed ✖ Tech

Real impact through multiple angles.

Virtual Experiences

Experience storytelling art through our virtual gallery with an opportunity to donate in exchange for digital collectibles.

Transparency & Accountability

Leveraging blockchain technology to create immutable bonds between artists and collectors and publicly trace impact.

Bridging the Gap

Artists will get access to top of the range tech to support digital development and encourage innovative creativity.

About Us

PAL Foundation is a non-profit organisation committed to improving the lives of disadvantaged communities across the globe.

PAL Centres

Proceeds of the Alemi collection will be used to build PAL Centres in the most disadvantaged communities in countries of operation.

Our Centres provide an interactive learning environment focusing on improving foundational skills and life skills to ensure that our beneficiaries can make sound decisions and contribute positively to their communities.

PAL Foundation wants to support the new generation of internet users.

By 2025, there are an expected 200 million more people within Africa to be connected to the internet through satellites and funded initiatives.

Empower children through access to art, technology, bridging educational and technological gaps to foster positive social change and a positive attitude to life.
Creating a multidimensional community where art, technology, and creativity inspire and uplift the lives of underserved youth, shaping a brighter future.


$50/month or $600/year supports 1 child with tuition fees, uniforms, feeding program fees, school transport, school bag, and books for a child and necessary tools.

Unique Value Proposition


Artistic Empowerment:

PAL Foundation combines art and technology to empower children, fostering creativity, self-expression, and personal growth.


Transparent Impact:

By leveraging blockchain technology, the foundation ensures transparency and accountability, allowing donors to witness the direct impact of their contributions and establish long-lasting relationships.


Holistic Support:

PAL Foundation goes beyond providing access to art; it addresses educational, health, and well-being needs by covering school fees, offering advanced equipment, providing mental health counselling, and supporting nutritious meals during charity programmes.


Afrofuturistic Virtual Space:

PAL Foundation's custom-built Afrofuturistic 'metaverse' hosts an immersive digital gallery where artistic creations are showcased and sold as NFTs. This innovative approach attracts tech-savvy audiences and opens new avenues for artistic exploration and monetization.


Bringing Resilience, Innovation, Development, Growth & Education
BRIDGE the gap with PAL Foundation – Building a brighter future, one block at a time.

No Poverty:

Break the cycle of poverty by providing art and technology access. Empower children and young creatives with transferrable skills for income generation and self-sufficiency.

Good Health and Well-being:

Prioritise holistic well-being. Allocate resources to provide healthcare services, mental health counselling, and nutritional support. Build a healthier and happier community.

Quality Education:

Education is paramount. Proceeds from art sales cover school fees, ensuring access to quality education, invest in advanced equipment and technology for enhanced learning opportunities and digital skills.

Gender Equality:

Provide equal access to art and technology resources for girls and boys. Create an inclusive environment for free expression. Empower girls and break down gender barriers in the art and technology sectors.

Contact us

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Leveraging Blockchain for accountability and exchange of digital assets

We believe in transparency and accountability in all our operations, especially when it comes to donations. That's why we're leveraging blockchain technology to create a secure and transparent platform for exchanging NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens, unique digital assets verified using blockchain technology) for donations. With blockchain, we can ensure that every donation is traceable and accounted for, giving our donors peace of mind that their contributions are being used effectively to support our mission.


We know you may have questions about our distinct mission and innovative strategies.

These FAQs are tailored to provide insights into how we operate, our pioneering approaches, and the tangible difference your support brings. Dive deep into these select questions to truly grasp the essence of our endeavors and the ripple effects of your contributions.

How will PAL Foundation directly impact the lives of children in East Africa's informal settlements?

Through a blend of technological empowerment, educational support, and artistic nurturing via NFTs, PAL Foundation bridges the gap between modern opportunities and the children of East Africa's informal settlements. With every NFT purchase or donation, we provide state-of-the-art technology, cover educational expenses, nurture artistic talent, and create safe spaces for holistic development, ensuring tangible, direct impacts on their lives.

How does the virtual 'Afrofuturistic' city, Alem, represent and benefit the children and young creatives?

Alem is more than a virtual city; it's a manifestation of the aspirations, talents, and potential of our beneficiaries. By engaging with Alem, users immerse themselves in the stories, art, and voices of East African youth. Revenue generated from Alem and its NFT assets directly funds technology access, educational support, and artistic mentorship for these promising young talents.

What steps is PAL Foundation taking to ensure that both boys and girls in East Africa's informal settlements have equal opportunities for empowerment?

Gender equality is at the core of our mission. We prioritize programs that actively dismantle barriers faced by girls and women. Whether it's providing educational resources, technological tools, or mentorship, we ensure that our initiatives are inclusive, promoting equal participation and opportunities for all genders.

How does PAL Foundation guarantee the efficient use of donations in bridging the technology gap between the global north and south?

Donations are channeled towards providing state-of-the-art technological equipment, such as tablets, VR headsets, and specialised software. We closely monitor and evaluate our programs, ensuring resources are used effectively to equip, educate, and empower our beneficiaries with digital skills for a brighter future.

How does the foundation ensure collaboration with local communities for sustainable and relevant interventions?

We actively engage with local community leaders, educators, and other stakeholders to design and implement our programs. By rooting our initiatives in local insights and needs, we ensure that our impact is both sustainable and tailored to the communities we serve.